Remove unsightly stains and buildup from your driveway, enhancing your home’s curb appeal.
Your driveway is one of the first things people notice about your home or business. Over time, exposure to the elements, vehicle traffic, and daily wear can cause dirt buildup, stains, mold, and grime, making your driveway look old and unkempt. At Prestige Power Washing, we provide expert driveway cleaning services in St. Louis and surrounding areas to restore your driveway’s appearance, improve safety, and extend its lifespan.
With professional-grade pressure washing equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we remove even the toughest stains—leaving your driveway spotless, slip-resistant, and looking brand new!
A freshly cleaned driveway instantly enhances your home’s curb appeal, making it more inviting for guests and potential buyers. If you’re selling your home, a well-maintained driveway can increase property value and attract buyers.
Oil stains, grease spots, tire marks, and mildew can accumulate over time, creating an unsightly appearance and potential damage. Our high-pressure washing techniques break down and remove even the toughest stains.
Neglecting driveway maintenance can lead to cracks, erosion, and premature wear. Removing dirt, chemicals, and algae prevents structural deterioration, helping your driveway last longer.
Moss, mold, and algae can create slippery surfaces, especially after rain or snow. Our pressure washing process eliminates hazardous buildup, ensuring a safer driveway for pedestrians and vehicles.
Planning to seal or resurface your driveway? A deep clean is necessary to ensure proper adhesion and long-lasting results. Our service prepares your driveway for sealing, staining, or resurfacing.
At Prestige Power Washing, we tailor our driveway cleaning solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you have concrete, asphalt, pavers, brick, or stone, our advanced cleaning techniques restore the beauty of your driveway without damage.
Concrete is porous and easily absorbs oil, dirt, and grime, leading to stains that are difficult to remove. Our high-pressure surface cleaning effectively eliminates:
✔️ Oil & Grease Stains
✔️ Tire Marks & Rust Spots
✔️ Mold, Algae & Mildew Growth
Asphalt surfaces require a gentle yet effective cleaning approach to prevent cracking and damage. We use low-pressure washing and eco-friendly detergents to:
✔️ Remove Dirt, Oil & Chemical Buildup
✔️ Prevent Surface Erosion
✔️ Improve Appearance Before Sealing
Interlocking pavers and brick driveways can collect moss, weeds, and dirt in between the cracks. Our specialized paver washing restores color vibrancy while protecting the integrity of the joints.
A dirty driveway won’t allow sealers or stains to adhere properly. We thoroughly clean and prep your surface for sealing, staining, or resurfacing, ensuring flawless application and longevity.
At Prestige Power Washing, we follow a proven cleaning method to deliver exceptional results without damage.
We inspect your driveway to identify problem areas, surface type, and any stains or cracks that need special treatment.
✔️ Removal of loose debris & dirt
✔️ Pre-treatment for deep stains (oil, grease, rust, etc.)
✔️ Protection of surrounding landscaping & structures
Using professional-grade power washing equipment, we thoroughly clean the driveway, eliminating deep-seated stains, buildup, and surface contaminants.
✔️ We ensure all stains are removed
✔️ Final inspection to guarantee a spotless finish
✔️ Optional sealing recommendations for added protection
As St. Louis’s leading power washing experts, we take pride in delivering exceptional driveway cleaning services that restore, protect, and enhance your property.
We use state-of-the-art pressure washing technology to clean driveways safely and effectively, removing stains without damaging the surface.
Our biodegradable detergents break down oil, grime, and contaminants without harming your lawn, pets, or the environment.
Our team has years of experience in driveway cleaning, ensuring precision, efficiency, and top-tier results.
We are a fully licensed and insured company, offering a satisfaction guarantee on all our services.
We work around your schedule and offer competitive pricing to ensure you get the best value for your driveway cleaning needs.
Don’t let dirt, oil stains, and mildew ruin the look of your home or business. Restore your driveway with Prestige Power Washing’s professional driveway cleaning services in St. Louis.
📞 Call us now at 314-580-9274 for a FREE quote and consultation!
📅 Flexible scheduling available – Book your driveway cleaning at a time that works best for you.
Let Prestige Power Washing help you achieve a pristine, safe, and long-lasting driveway!
Contact us to arrange an in-person consultation at your convenience. We'll work with your schedule to find the perfect day and time.
We'll furnish you with a quote, assist with insurance claims, and coordinate your restoration service.
Our skilled technicians will promptly arrive and expertly restore your home or business to the utmost standards.
Contact us today to request a quote and discover how our power washing services can revitalize your property.