Keep your condo’s exterior pristine with our professional cleaning services, tailored to meet condo association standards.
Your condominium’s exterior is a direct reflection of your community, property value, and overall curb appeal. Keeping it clean and well-maintained not only improves aesthetics but also helps preserve the integrity of the building. At Prestige Power Washing, we provide professional condo exterior cleaning services in St. Louis, Eureka, Pacific, and surrounding areas, delivering superior results that protect and enhance your investment.
Whether you manage a condo association, HOA, or a multi-unit residential complex, our team ensures meticulous, damage-free, and eco-friendly cleaning tailored to your property’s unique needs.
A clean condo exterior leaves a lasting first impression on residents, potential buyers, and visitors. A well-maintained property contributes to higher resale values and a more attractive neighborhood.
Dirt, algae, mold, and pollutants can accumulate over time, leading to premature aging, discoloration, and potential surface deterioration. Our professional cleaning helps prevent costly repairs and extends the lifespan of exterior materials.
Built-up mold, mildew, and grime don’t just make a property look unkempt—they can also create unhealthy conditions for residents by affecting air quality and causing slippery walkways. Our safe, eco-friendly cleaning methods remove harmful contaminants.
Many HOAs and condo boards require routine exterior maintenance to meet community standards. Our custom maintenance programs help you stay in compliance without the hassle.
At Prestige Power Washing, we provide full-service exterior cleaning for condominiums, ensuring that every part of your property remains spotless and well-maintained.
We safely clean all exterior surfaces using pressure washing and soft washing techniques, depending on the material. This includes:
✔️ Brick & Stucco
✔️ Vinyl & Aluminum Siding
✔️ Wood & Composite Materials
✔️ Concrete & Stone
Our gentle, damage-free cleaning process ensures that your building remains pristine without chipping, cracking, or discoloration.
Neglected gutters and roofs can lead to water damage, leaks, and structural issues. We offer:
✔️ Soft washing for roofs to remove moss, algae, and dark stains
✔️ Comprehensive gutter cleaning to prevent blockages and improve drainage
✔️ Downspout flushing for optimal water flow
Ensure safe, clean common areas with our professional pressure washing services for:
✔️ Concrete & Brick Walkways
✔️ Driveways & Entryways
✔️ Parking Lots & Garages
We remove oil stains, dirt buildup, algae, and chewing gum to keep pathways safe and slip-resistant.
Resident balconies, patios, and shared outdoor spaces accumulate dirt and grime over time. Our low-pressure soft washing cleans:
✔️ Condo Balconies & Railings
✔️ Outdoor Sitting Areas
✔️ Pool Decks & Clubhouse Exteriors
Dumpster areas and trash enclosures collect bacteria, odors, and stains. We provide deep cleaning and sanitization to eliminate foul smells and maintain hygiene.
Unwanted graffiti and tough stains can lower the appeal of your condo community. Our specialized cleaning removes:
✔️ Spray Paint & Graffiti
✔️ Rust Stains & Hard Water Marks
✔️ Organic Stains (Mold, Algae, & Mildew)
At Prestige Power Washing, we take a methodical, efficient approach to ensure a seamless cleaning experience with minimal disruption.
We inspect your condo exterior, walkways, and shared spaces, identifying problem areas and tailoring a custom cleaning plan.
We develop a strategy based on your property’s unique needs, selecting the right cleaning techniques to achieve optimal results without damage.
Our team schedules cleaning at convenient times to minimize disruptions for residents and visitors.
Using high-powered pressure washing and soft washing techniques, we deep clean every surface, ensuring a long-lasting, spotless finish.
We conduct a post-service walkthrough to ensure everything meets our high standards—and yours!
At Prestige Power Washing, we take pride in being St. Louis’s leading condo exterior cleaning specialists. Our commitment to quality, efficiency, and eco-friendly solutions ensures that your property always looks its best.
Our skilled technicians have 24+ years of experience in commercial and residential pressure washing.
We use biodegradable cleaning solutions and the safest washing techniques to protect your building’s surfaces and landscaping.
We utilize cutting-edge pressure washing & soft washing technology to achieve a deep, thorough clean.
We are a fully licensed, bonded, and insured power washing company, ensuring 100% compliance with condo associations and HOA regulations.
We offer one-time deep cleaning as well as ongoing maintenance programs to keep your property looking its best year-round.
Ensure your condominium community remains clean, safe, and visually appealing with Prestige Power Washing’s professional exterior cleaning services.
📞 Call us now at 314-580-9274 for a FREE consultation and quote!
📅 Flexible scheduling available – We work with your property’s needs to minimize disruption.
Let Prestige Power Washing help you maintain a spotless, well-maintained condominium exterior that residents and visitors will love!
Contact us to arrange an in-person consultation at your convenience. We'll work with your schedule to find the perfect day and time.
We'll furnish you with a quote, assist with insurance claims, and coordinate your restoration service.
Our skilled technicians will promptly arrive and expertly restore your home or business to the utmost standards.
Contact us today to request a quote and discover how our power washing services can revitalize your property.